Apparitions, oddities, and gods continue to manifest around Koyomi Araragi and his close-knit group of friends: Tsubasa Hanekawa, the group's modest genius; Shinobu Oshino, the resident doughnut-loving vampire; athletic deviant Suruga Kanbaru; bite-happy spirit Mayoi Hachikuji; Koyomi's cute admirer Nadeko Sengoku; and Hitagi Senjougahara, Koyomi's eclectic girlfriend.
A new semester has begun and with graduation looming over Koyomi, he must quickly decide the paths he will walk, as well as the relationships he will form and friends that he will save. But as strange events begin to unfold, Koyomi is nowhere to be found, and a vicious tiger apparition has appeared in his absence. Hanekawa has become its target, and she quickly finds she must fend for herself.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
TV 2019
TV 2017
OVA 2016
TV 2015
TV 2024
TV 2012
Movie 2017